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Kings top for 8th week |
The Kings, league leaders since day one, increase their lead to nine points over new second place BILFs who won 8-4 against Premier Shandy. Kings beat Split happens 8-4 while last week's second, Living on a Spare were beaten 4-8 by Lightning Strikes. Kev was top scorer again with a two pin improvement on his season best, 528 (624 with handicap). Paul Boston was the only other 500+ bowler with a new season high, by 78 pins, 522 (669) including the only 200 game of the night, 215 (264 - the best in the league so far.) Overall scores continue to rise and five players recorded new high series: Doug was 32 higher at 493 (607), Paul Simmons +27 to 484 (634), Mark +26 to 411 (582), Simon Wheeler +16 to 402 (585) and Bhav Sagar +39 to 353 (575). Overall, averages improved by 19.5 this week and total handicaps reduced by 17. No good split conversions were reported this week. NEW: High Score Game and Series table. Scroll down. |