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Winter League 2023/24 - Week 18, 5 February 2024

Top three being caught?

The positions of the top three are unchanged but none of them won tonight and their lead over the rest is reduced. BILFs maintain their one point lead over The Kings but Donk Decks now trail The Kings by seven pojnts, not just one. Premier Shandy in fourth are now only nine points behind third place.

Paul Boston had a good week and was top scorer in all of the tables. His 534 (666) series was a new season high by 12 pins and it included the best game of the night, 189 (233)

Darren had new high scores - ten higher at 429 (597) and eight higher at 168 (214). John Glover improved his high game by17 to 164 (229) and Nikki raised her high game by two to 180 (225)

Ciaran converted a 6-7 split.



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