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Tigers stay on top |
A draw this week for Young Tigers, but they stay top of the table because the Kings in second lost 4-8 to Donk Decks. With an easy 12-0 win over Bros Grimm, Bata Bullets jump to second over the Kings by one point. Tigers still have a seven point lead Ciaran had the best series tonight in the win over the Kings, 529 (637 with handicap). Meanesh and Darrel aslo hit 500 series. Chris Bown had the best game, 230 (259) and BILFs had the best team scratch game of the league so far, 391 and their handicap game, 470 is second highest. Darrel improved his high series by 10 to 504 (624) and both Hightons also had new scores: Terry by ten to 448 (613) and Anita by four to 400 (598) Tom Cummins broke 200 for the first time this season with an ultra clean 202 (246)
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