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1. The organisation shall be known
2. The purpose of the league is to conduct tenpin activities. It shall
foster and maintain the spirit of good fellowship and true sportsmanship.
3. The members of the league will be divided into up to 16 teams of
two players, with no more than 4 players per team being registered.
4. The league shall be presided over by a President, Vice President,
Secretary and Treasurer. The latter two duties may be performed by the
same person.
5, The league shall generally abide by the B.T.B.A. Rules.
6. Following written application, protest or complaint from a team captain
regarding disputes or point of order, a committee meeting or a meeting
of the captains may be called at the discretion of the President.
7. The President shall be responsible for the proper organisation and
function of the league.
8. The Treasurer will keep complete records of all receipts and payments
and will reconcile the bank account every month during the league. The
accounts will be inspected by the President monthly. Two signatures
will be required on any cheques issued by the League and all officers
may sign cheques.
9. Team captains are responsible for the collection of lineage fees
and league subscriptions at the agreed rate (£12 from 2014) for
each player in his/her team. These monies must be taken to the treasurer
prior to completion of practice. Cheques should be made payable to Leicester
10. League subscriptions must be paid without
exception, even if a team has an absent member.
11. The prize fund will be distributed in accordance with the schedule.
12. The President shall issue each team captain with a copy of the constitution.
13. The league standings will be posted on the Association web site
each week and a copy will be circulated to each team prior to bowling.
14. The President shall keep a true and correct record of all scores
made by teams and individuals and other such records as required by
the league.
15. The league shall run on a handicap basis. Individual handicaps will
be 75% of the difference between the player’s average and
200, rounded down to the next integer. Maximum handicap will be 75.
16. Bowling will commence at 7:00 pm with lanes being placed in practice
mode 5 minutes before the match starts. No extension practice will be
permitted as games must commence on time.
17. In the absence of the approved automatic foul detectors team captains
will act as judges should a suspected foul occur.
18. Points will be awarded for scores including handicap at: 2 points
per game won, 2 points for total pinfall and 2 points for individual
bowlers against their opposite numbers (i.e. lead bowler v lead bowler,
second v second). A total of 12 points are available to be won in any
one match.
19. Any team which, because of unexpected absence, has to bowl with
only one player shall be permitted 80% of the absent players average,
plus that players full handicap.
20. If, at the commencement of bowling, a team is incomplete then the
following options may be used:
Option 1 - Request the opposing captain, who
at his/her discretion may allow a short period of time for a player
to arrive.
Option 2 - Commence bowling along with the rest
of the league on the assumption that the late player will arrive before
completion of the fifth frame by the opposing team. In the event that
a player does not arrive by this time then a blind score shall be used
in his/her place as indicated in paragraph 19.
Option 3 - If a player arrives after completion
of the first game but before the start of the next he may join for the
remaining games. The 80% average score rule must then be used for the first
21. Any team unable to bowl a scheduled match must inform the opposing
team captain no less than 24 hrs prior to the match in question. If
less than 24 hours notice is given, the opposing Team Captain may either
claim all 12 points or agree to play the game at a later date.
22. Any postponements or re-arrangements must be advised to the league
President. Both captains will sign the form giving details of the re-arrangement.
23. If in extreme circumstances a re-arranged match requires further
cancellation this must be put to the committee who will decide whether
to allow a further re-arrangement or decide to award the points as they
see fit.
24. Any new bowlers joining the league must be registered at least 1
week prior to their bowling. No re-arranged matches will be allowed
during the last 3 weeks of the season and no new bowlers may be registered
to a team during the last 6 weeks of the league.
25. Wherever possible any re-arranged matches (due to holidays etc)
should be played before the scheduled match date.
26. Team captains shall be responsible for the correctness of the scoresheet
and will sign it at the end of each match.